Saturday, June 7, 2008

EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge

"EcoCAR will explore pathways for future vehicles while giving the student participants the knowledge and experience they need to rapidly develop critical engineering skills and become the next generation of leaders in the automotive industry. The teams of engineers will develop their vehicles following a modified GM Global Vehicle Development Process for each phase of the three-year competition. By the end of the competition, the sponsors expect fully developed vehicles equivalent to prototypes ready for a production decision."

The other idea is smarter roads and highways.
"The Smart Road includes an advanced communications system including a wireless LAN interfaced with a fiber-optic back-bone. The network interfaces with several on-site data acquisition systems and road feature controls. This network may be used to transfer data between the vehicle, research building, and infrastructure within the Road."

The information highway should manage fuel prices since prices are just another piece of information.

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